Wynwood Streetscape Master Plan and Design Guidelines

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Urban planning and landscape design for over 10 miles of streetscape for the Wynwood District that will embody the best practices and principles of sustainability, environmental resiliency, open public space, pedestrian/bike mobility and neighborhood connectivity.

The streetscape master plan design uses several strategies to increase storm resiliency with a planting palette of storm-resilient tree species (particularly natives). Ample space below ground will be provided for tree root growth, structural soil, specification standards to ensure well-structured trees are used. Maintenance and pruning standards will improve the structural integrity, and organizational strategies that help break wind such as clustering trees.

The master plan creatively addresses the need for green public spaces and neighborhood connectivity with two edge parks, one at each east and west boundaries of the District. Supporting Design Guidelines were created to be adopted as a Landscape Ordinance for the district under Miami 21.

To increase storm water management, the hardscape design proposes a continuous permeable verge comprised of pervious concrete and bonded rubber mulch.

Wynwood Walks is our comprehensive approach to connect Wynwood and its vicinity though a network of pathways though the edge parks, woonerfs, and a wellness loop. Sharrows (shared lanes) are proposed on roads with limited width for a formal bike lane and of speed limit of 25 MPH maximum. Protected bike paths wherever possible and full width bike path markings for wayfinding and visibility.

Public input was a driving influence in the design. ArqGEO led community gatherings and participated on numerous Wynwood Business Improvement District (BID) Board meetings with the intention to gather as much information and data as possible and best address the issues and challenges that will serve the District in the present and the future as the district continues to grow and evolve.

Location Wynwood District, Miami, Florida
Services Master Planning, Urban Planning, Streetscape Design, Resilient Design, Adaptability, Public Outreach, Green Infrastructure, Stormwater Management, Design Guidelines
Size 10 linear miles / 216-acres