November 5, 2019

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Paperback | English | 288 Pages

Printed and bound in the Netherlands.

Recycled paper, waterless offset using ink with a vegetable base

‘GEOBIOMIAMI’ presents a curated selection of some of ArquitectonicaGEO’s most influential and consequential projects in Miami over the past 15 years. Each project design asks a question which is answered with an innovative, sustainable and resilient solution as well as explores the value landscape architecture brings to each project, clients, users, and the environment.

‘GEOBIOMIAMI’ illustrates the intricacies of designing avant-garde outdoor environments and experiences and invites the reader to continue the inquiry and explore forward thinking solutions that optimize performance, respond to climate change, and preserve and restore biodiversity.

Charles Birnbaum : Tackling the disconnect between architecture and landscape architecture
Charles Waldheim : Interview with Laurinda Spear and Margarita Blanco
Christoph Grafe : Drawings of Laurinda Spear
Gaston Bekkers : Botanical Bricks, on the new phenomenon of botanical interest in urban development

Publisher: Architectura & Natura; 1st Edition (January 2020)

ISBN-13: 978-9461-400-69-7

©2020 Architectura & Natura Publishers and Authors, Amsterdam

Cost: $45.00

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