Puerto Triana Tower + Park

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The landscape design for the area surrounding the Puerto Triana Tower must balance the natural habitat of the park along the Guadalquivir River with the built areas associated with the tower and the building itself. Pathways of varying textures weave through the site and incorporate an amphitheater embedded in the landscape.

Pedestrians are brought into direct contact with the natural systems of the Guadalquivir River by preserving the area directly adjacent to the river as a wetland and incorporating a riverwalk pathway with minimal impact on the area. This wetland has the capacity to filter grey water from surrounding buildings. The opposite bank of the river has recreational playfields for residents and students of the University. The fields made of synthetic turf, require no irrigation and little maintenance, resulting in an area of the river that contributes to the ecology of the site.

Location Seville, Spain
Type Competitions
Services Landscape Architecture
Size 2,047,320 SF / 190,202 SM