Ballet Valet Parking Garage

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This adaptive re-use of one block of historic art deco facades in Miami Beach places a parking garage within and above newly renovated shops along the streets. Five stories, 206,000 SF, and 650 parking spaces of parking structure become a vertical green zone and a monumental topiary. The three types of plants, each in a different shade of green, create a pattern of wavelike forms, mimicking the nearby ocean. With the unsightly cars hidden and the sound of the cars reduced by the vegetation screens, a large parking structure is camouflaged into the city. Planters include various types of vines and vegetation, including clusia guttifera, conocarpus erectus serecius, and scaevola frutescens. The design creates a green space above the city of Miami Beach that disguises a pragmatic parking garage, transforming it into a visually pleasant area and an urban home to bird species without interfering with current parking activity at the site.

Location South Beach, Florida
Type Retail, Mixed-Use
Services Landscape Architecture, Green Infrastructure
Size 206,000 SF / 19,138 SM
International Parking Institute Award of Merit
Urban Land Institute National Award of Excellence
International Parking Institute Award of Merit
Urban Land Institute National Award of Excellence – ULI 1999