This adaptive re-use of one block of historic art deco facades in Miami Beach places a parking garage within and above newly renovated shops along the streets. Five stories, 206,000 SF, and 650 parking spaces of parking structure become a vertical green zone and a monumental topiary. The three types of plants, each in a different shade of green, create a pattern of wavelike forms, mimicking the nearby ocean. With the unsightly cars hidden and the sound of the cars reduced by the vegetation screens, a large parking structure is camouflaged into the city. Planters include various types of vines and vegetation, including clusia guttifera, conocarpus erectus serecius, and scaevola frutescens. The design creates a green space above the city of Miami Beach that disguises a pragmatic parking garage, transforming it into a visually pleasant area and an urban home to bird species without interfering with current parking activity at the site.
Urban Land Institute National Award of Excellence
International Parking Institute Award of Merit
Urban Land Institute National Award of Excellence – ULI 1999