Al Mashtal Master Plan

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The Al Mashtal Master Plan is a 5.4 million SF (500,000 SM) mixed-use development comprising of office, retail, hotel, residential, cultural center and parking components to be built on a 1.5 million SF (142,400 SM) site. Located in north-central UAE, Al Mashtal city lies on a T-shaped island jutting into the Persian Gulf from Abu Dhabi’s central western coast.The landscape strategy of the Al Mashtal Master Plan, ties the projects iconic architecture and pedestrian experience of the Souk retail shops a cohesive fabric whose structures, shapes, and colors are adapted from the unique context of a former nursery site, and the demands placed on a rich landscape in a desert climate. The landscape and the water system that sustains it are seen as vital living components of the overall urban strategy. Detailing and texture invite interaction and promote lively interchange among visitors and inhabitants.

Al Mashtal’s three components (the office strip to the north, the retail/residential/hotel strip to the south, and the multi-purpose arena and public plaza at the center), are unified with the landscape that uses macro strategies for hardscape and plant material, complemented by localized design decisions that give each area its unique character.

Location Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Services Master Planning, Landscape Architecture, Interior Design, Green Infrastructure
Size 1,071,644 SF / 99,559 SM